
Saturday, June 30, 2012


                             MISS SMARTY-PANTS

Hi. I don't want to reveal my true identity,so you can just call me Miss Smarty-Pants.This blog is for KIDS ONLY, so if your an adult,log off and find another blog(I suggest SterlingSpeed!). Anyway, I want you to feel comfortable going on this blog. I want you to feel like I'm your sister or BFF and you're talking to me. Also, this isn't a blog were I'll post about what you should and shouldn't do or buy, or I tell you what I think about the world. This is a blog that has questions and ANSWERS, comments and REPLYS, and, best of all topics. Not what I had for lunch topics, but cool stuff like the latest games, game systems, magazines, cool new pics, pets for adoption, funny videos, reviews and ratings - sort of a TMZ for the tween set! That's, my blog! But also,if your parents got divorced like mine did, some tips, tricks, and advice for the tough road ahead. Here are examples of some of the types of pictures I might post:

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